PAX - Pet Allergy Xplorer: The first molecular serum IgE specific test for pets

Dr. Thierry Olivry's Point of View | January 2021
What should I choose: intradermal testing or IgE serology? Dear Colleagues,...

Dr. Thierry Olivry's Point of View | December 2020
Continuing allergen immunotherapy for longer than one year should lead to a higher treatment success! To ensure the...

Big news coming soon!
Get ready for 2021, a lot of new things are coming! We are developing, improving and restructuring faster than ever!...

Dr. Thierry Olivry's Point of View | November 2020
When is the best time to do allergen-specific IgE serological testing? This question is commonly asked by veterinarians...

Vet Nurse Program 2020
Our Vet Nurse Program is a success! With our Vet Nurse Program we have focused on the veterinarian nurses who have a...

Dr. Thierry Olivry's Point of View | October 2020
Can I perform IgE serology or intradermal testing when my patient is treated with glucocorticoids, cyclosporine,...

Dr. Thierry Olivry joins Nextmune
Welcome to the team, Dr. Thierry Olivry! We are delighted to announce Dr. Thierry Olivry has joined our company as a...

Atopi-3, no more animal proteins!
What a month it has been! We were honored to make donations of Atopi-3 to animal shelters around the Netherlands. The...
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