PAX - Pet Allergy Xplorer: The first molecular serum IgE specific test for pets

PAX® serum test is now available for cats!
We are happy to announce that the PAX® serum test is now available for cats!...

The PAX (Pet Allergy Xplorer) is one year old
A year ago, Nextmune launched the PAX, the first molecular allergology serological test for the diagnosis of allergen...

FAQs about PAX
As our PAX proposition keeps on expanding, we are happy to further accommodate you with an FAQ about PAX. This way, you...

PAX® serum test available for horses
We are happy to announce our platform for molecular testing of IgE sensitizations is ready for commercial allergy...

PAX® Food, why and how can it be useful?
At this time, the review of existing evidence suggests that the testing (intradermal, prick, patch or IgE serological)...

PAX - Pet Allergy Xplorer: The first molecular serum IgE specific test for pets
Molecular allergology is a state-of-the-art approach to the detection of sensitisations, whereby defined single...

Is Pollen Season Growing Longer? A Study Investigates
Does pollen season bring in more and more allergy patients each year? Based on a new study from The Lancet Public...
Equine Insect Bite Hypersensitivity (IBH)
Insect bite hypersensitivity (bug bite allergy or IBH) is a common summer problem. Susceptible horses are actually...
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