
Vet Nurse Program 2020


Our Vet Nurse Program is a success! 

With our Vet Nurse Program we have focused on the veterinarian nurses who have a passion for dermatology and allergy in pets.

Despite the fact that COVID-19 threw a spanner in the works, we have been able to offer an educational program to vet nurses. With this program they have gained a better understanding of allergy in pets and how to better support pet owners and pets in the fight against allergies.

The program consists of 2 webinars with speakers Dr. Annette van der Lee and Clara Macfarlane.
This was followed by a meeting, which was held in September 2020. With a virtual tour of our laboratory, lectures by dermatologist Dr. Annette van der Lee and vet nurse dermatology Jolein Boekhoven, we had a fantastic day with 16 enthusiastic participants.

One more webinar with Dr. Annette van der Lee will follow in November to conclude the program in the Netherlands. You can register for this webinar via this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3338009958196171791.
Please note that this webinar will be held in Dutch.

The English program will be continued in 2021. We are looking forward to this!

We would like to thank all participants in the Vet Nurse Program and look forward to our further cooperation.

Vetnurseprogram NL


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