Skin fold problems & successful long term management through cleaning

Dr. Thierry Olivry's Point of View | February 2021
Does oclacitinib predispose dogs to develop cancer? Dear Colleagues,...

Allergy Management Tips And Tricks
Allergies are triggered by diverse environmental, dietary, and seasonal factors. Although hyposensitization therapy is...
Equine Insect Bite Hypersensitivity (IBH)
Insect bite hypersensitivity (bug bite allergy or IBH) is a common summer problem. Susceptible horses are actually...

'Veterinary Dermatology' Article Proposes A New Treatment Strategy For Canine Atopic Dermatitis
Canine Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is a common allergic skin disease that is characterized by itching, excessive scratching,...

Why Differentiating Seasonal From Non-Seasonal Allergies Is Key
Does your patient suffer from localized or generalized itching? Do they exhibit nasal discharge or watery eyes? Are...

Greasy and smelly skin? Is it time to give the dog a bath?
It is not uncommon in our daily practice to be consulted on dogs presenting with greasy and smelly skin. This clinical...

Why maximising topical therapy is important?
Topical therapy is often used in mild cases of superficial pyoderma to reduce the cutaneous bacterial population but...

Diet's Role in An Effective Allergy Management Strategy
Once allergy testing has been completed, a diet trial and hyposensitization are 2 other important elements of a proper...
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