
Ear problems in your pet? Understanding, preventing and treating


As pet parents, we adore our companions and strive to keep them happy and healthy in every way possible. However, one aspect of pet care that often flies under the radar is ear health. Ear problems can be uncomfortable for our pets and, if left untreated, can lead to more serious issues. That's where Nextmune's comprehensive ear range comes into play, offering effective solutions to address various ear issues.


Understanding Common Ear Problems

Ear Infections: Ear infections are one of the most common ear problems in pets, especially in dogs. They can be caused by bacteria, yeast, or allergies and often result in symptoms like redness, swelling, odor, discharge, and excessive scratching or head shaking.

Ear Mites: These tiny parasites can take up residence in your pet's ears, causing irritation, inflammation, and itching. Ear mites are more common in cats but can affect dogs as well.

Wax Buildup: Just like humans, pets can accumulate wax in their ears over time. While a small amount of wax is normal, excessive buildup can lead to discomfort and even ear infections if left untreated.

Preventing Ear Problems

Regular Cleaning: Routine ear cleaning is essential for preventing ear problems in pets. Use a gentle ear cleaner recommended by your veterinarian and clean your pet's ears regularly, especially if they have floppy ears or are prone to ear infections.

Monitor for Signs: Keep an eye out for signs of ear problems, such as redness, swelling, discharge, odor, or changes in your pet's behavior like excessive scratching or head shaking. Early detection can help prevent minor issues from turning into major ones.


Treating Ear Problems

Consult Your Veterinarian: If you suspect your pet is experiencing ear problems, don't hesitate to schedule a visit to the vet. They can perform a thorough examination, diagnose the issue, and recommend the appropriate treatment plan.


Follow Treatment Recommendations: Whether your pet requires medication, ear drops, or other treatments, it's essential to follow your veterinarian's recommendations diligently. Consistency is key to resolving ear problems and preventing recurrence.


Preventive Measures: Once your pet's ear problems are under control, work with your vet to develop a preventive care plan. This may include regular ear cleanings, routine check-ups, and addressing any underlying issues that contribute to ear problems, such as allergies.


Nextmune's Ear Range

Otoact®: Specifically formulated to tackle wax buildup, Otoact® is a gentle solution for breaking down and removing excess wax from your pet's ears. Regular use of Otoact can help prevent wax-related issues and keep your pet's ears clean and comfortable.


Otodine® and Otodine® Wipes: Trusted by pet owners worldwide, Otodine® is an effective ear cleaner designed to remove dirt, debris, and bacteria from your pet's ears. Its antiseptic properties help maintain ear hygiene and prevent infections.


Clorexyderm® Oto Piu: This solution serves as both regular cleanser and preventive measure against ear problems. Clorexyderm® Oto Piu helps clear debris, neutralize odors, and maintain a healthy ear environment, reducing the risk of infections.


Peptivet®: Peptivet® with its antibacterial characteristics can help reduce the need for additional antibiotics in certain cases. Its gentle and innovative formula helps prepare the ears for further treatment, making it an excellent choice as pre-treatment option.

Dermoscent® Essential Oto®: Essential Oto® is a physiological cleanser specifically designed for the regular hygiene of dogs, cats or rabbits’ ears with a practical twist-off service cap. It is ideal for pets with excess earwax, earwax plugs or bad odors.

Dermoscent® PYOclean® Oto:  PYOclean® Oto is a purifying care specially developed to cleanse the ear canals of dogs, cats or rabbits prone to recurrent ear problems. Its practical & hygienic presentation in single-doses helps limit cross-contamination between ears.

Ear problems can be a source of discomfort for our beloved pets, but with proper understanding, prevention, and treatment, we can help keep their ears healthy and happy. By staying proactive and attentive to our pet's ear health, we can ensure they live their best lives free from the discomfort of ear issues.

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