Skin fold problems & successful long term management through cleaning

FAQs about PAX
As our PAX proposition keeps on expanding, we are happy to further accommodate you with an FAQ about PAX. This way, you...

PAX® serum test available for horses
We are happy to announce our platform for molecular testing of IgE sensitizations is ready for commercial allergy...

10 tips to reduce exposure to house dust mites
To successfully treat allergy or atopy in dogs, cats and horses, a multi-modal approach is often required. This...

Skin fold problems & successful long term management through cleaning
Skin fold problems and successful long term management through cleaning: A new approach. Skin fold problems are very...

Eleanor's story
Below a heartwarming story about horse Eleanor and a big thank you from her owner Charlotte....

Horse Allergies 101
Allergies caused by different environmental and barn conditions are becoming increasingly prevalent in horses. Most...

Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO)
Equine Asthma | Inflamatory Airway Disease (IAD) | Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) Equine Asthma, a term that...

Top sport: horse Diesel and his Artuvetrin®
Eight years ago the world collapsed for Esther Klok, owner of top sport horse Diesel. It started when Diesel was in the...
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